Jumaat, 4 September 2009

My New Album

Hello everybody, we meet again in this week entry. This time I will tell about my new single album that will release in this month, so you all better buy it if you are truly my fans. Here I wrote some synopsis about my songs in this album which is for you know the meanings of the songs.

1. Light of Sky.
This song is about a man who is hoping that there are some miracle in his life for he fight for the truth to save people in this world that are full of sins. Full of emotions, this song will bring you to the reality world.

2. Pain and Sadness.
A man who has been lose in his battle between true or false in order to protect his friends, have make him feel the pain and sadness but he know that he must not give up now because he want to see his friends smile and laugh.

3. Nothing but You.
This song is dedicated to a girl from a man which is his true lover. Full of romantic feelings, this song is suitable for a couple with have a true love and remains forever.

4. One for All.
This song is an attribute to all my fans out there and thank you for support me until now which make me to come up with this new single album.

5. It doesn’t matter win or lose.
A man should know that if he want to stay longer in this world, he have to be much prepared to face any risk on his own. It doesn’t matter if win or lose, just keep it up and wake up again if fall.

6. The true me.
It is just for people to know what is inside of me. There are totally lying in these worlds that are so many things I hide from other people to know.

7. Don’t have been pretend to smile.
It is about a friends who want to make another happy even though they also sad too. You don’t have to force your smiles for anyone; it is okay to smile for yourself.

8. Mother, you always in my heart.
This song is dedicated to all mothers in this world. Our mother has been through so many hard and terrible things only to keep us growing up happily. This song is suitable to play in mother’s day as an appreciation of us to our lovely mother.

9. Dream and reality.
We always want to live in our dream world because there are so many interest thing that we can do, but in reality we just a normal and same person as other people.

10. Hard to be love.
This song is about a man who is think that he hard to be in love with a girl. He just keeps being a single in his life until the ends of day.

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